Thursday, May 12, 2005

Xbox 360

Didn't see the telecast, but mmmm...delicious. Fuck dual core...let's try triple core.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Fucking creepy

World's first self-replicating robot. Strangely eerie.

A ringing endorsement

Oddly, a good word from one guy who was investigated multiple times by an independent counsel and another who led the charge to stop the recounts in Florida doesn't exactly help my impression of Mr. Bush's "fuck you" nomination for UN ambassador.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Winner of today's most surreal news story

It's oddly appropriate that the Vatican should be convicted of killing people with invisible beams of energy.

Apple too busy Microsoft-bashing to bother to learn from their mistakes

See? Security vulnerabilities come more from widespread adoption and the fundamental nature of building complicated systems than they do from the incompetence of any given software maker.

Be afraid

If you think viruses that erase all your email are bad, try some sexually frustrated schmuck in his basement creating a virus that will print "I (heart) boobies" across your chest and then make your liver explode.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

A limp grasp of history

I hate that I know more history than our President, and I don't know much.

Hey. Jackass. Hitler was elected democratically. World War II was about fighting off bigoted, authoritarian fucktards (like yourself) and about cleaning up a badly negotiated peace following World War I.

What would politics look like without incorrect oversimplifications?

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Colbert getting his own show

Wow...I don't know how I feel about this. It will be a shame to lose Colbert from the Daily Show. He's obviously the best correspondent there. Helms is almost as good, but Cordrey and Bee have a ways to go before reaching his level. And I'm not sure Colbert will work on his own.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Good old American spirit

Good to know that America can't even get its shit together enough to rebuild the world trade center.

Rome lasted a millenium...and yet, we're going to dick ourselves over in under 3 centuries. Go us.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Redefine it, then kill it

His direct attacks against Social Security having failed, Mr. Bush now seems to be taking a more circuitous route to its demise.

And topping the list of douchebags this week is...


What an idiot. Claiming you bullied Microsoft into changing their position on a gay rights bill is the surest way to ensure they reconsider the changing of their position. Even God does not fuck with the Evil Empire.

Man who defeats invisible alien in movie not uniquely qualified for government?


God, people are fucking dumb.

The ongoing myth of the liberal media

Another one for the "not surprised but still pissed" files. I was wondering how long it would take for the creeping tendrils of the neoconservatives to try to invade PBS. Can't have one network that's actually relatively independent of corporate advertising dollars, now can we?