Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Old partisans never die

Oh Doley, Doley, silly old partisan hack. You chastise Democrats for abandoning the long tradition of "mutual self-restraint," but let's be honest...the Republicans started this. They found themselves in power and started drooling. The "up-or-down" rhetoric sounds nice except for the minor detail that minority rights are fundamental to the checks and balances of American government. There's a reason not everything is subject to a majority vote. Remember how Hitler was elected by a majority of Germans? Yeah.

The Democrats are taking an entirely reasonable action of last resort given that the Republicans seem intent on putting a handful of fanatical right-wingers on the bench. You didn't mention all the other candidates that they let through, did you? No, you didn't, because it's more fun to make it sound like Democrats aren't being very selective about how they exercise the filibuster. Why, you might even call it a measure of self-restraint...

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