Thursday, September 08, 2005

Republican logic

Why would you think that a major natural disaster that destroyed huge amounts of the South would actually require federal spending for recovery? Why, funding programs _less_ will actually help! See, if we collect fewer taxes from Trent Lott, he'll actually have _more_ money to spend on reconstructing his house, and it will make him so happy that he might give some of his moving boxes to others who had their houses and life savings destroyed! You know how much poor people seem to like living in boxes. See? Everybody wins!

Sigh. And the scary thing is that there are people in the world that actually buy this shit. Oh, and also loved the clips on the Daily Show where Republican pundits were blaming New Orleans for, you know, existing.

1 comment:

Sj said...

Sorta gives you a glimpse of the self-righteousness that will hit whenever the "big one" hits San Fran.

I can hear em' now.

"Well it's their own dang fault.."

I will admit that I find it odd more people don't move out of there at times (I mean if they fear this "big one") but then the Gov't should just make it illegal.. I won't put it past any Gov't to at least try that one day