Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Your daily douchebag (4/11/07)

Today's Daily Douchebag is not so much an individual as an organization: the Florida legislature. Why? Upset that the University of Florida had the audacity not to give Jeb Bush an honorary degree, they've forced the university to rename its education school the "Jeb Bush School of Education."

Well done. You know you can be proud of your state when the legislature spends time and taxpayer dollars on a bill that serves no other purpose than to be petty and vindictive. While we're at it can we go ahead and rename the New York Stock Exchange the Ralph Nader Hall of Commerce? Would that be cool?

(God, I hate Florida. That fucking state can't sink into the Atlantic fast enough, as far as I'm concerned. It would do my soul good to see a sea of walkers and mouse ears slowly bubble and submerge into the shadowy depths...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Well now that's funny right there. I don't care who you are, that's funny. Haha!