Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Cool! Or hot. Or rather, both.

Seems plausible to me...wonder if it has any future.

I am increasingly of the opinion that the world really doesn't have an energy crisis and never truly will. There's a fucking huge (and I mean fucking _HUGE_) perpetual thermonuclear explosion going on not 8 light-minutes from our goofy little blue orb that's generating more energy than we could ever hope to consume. The problem is converting it to something usable in an efficient and cheap way.

The amount of power potentially available from solar, wind, and geothermal sources is copious and renewable. There's enough power out there to power your car, your house, your pda, your xbox, your blender, your fridge, your a/c, your microwave, and even your cat for fuck's sake...that's not the issue. The issue is that all our equipment is geared towards the combustion of fossil fuels, and that's very difficult (and costly) to change. Now, if we didn't have assholes like Ted Stevens in Congress who want to drill in ANWR for their own personal amusement and profit (they saute baby seals in petrochemicals...I've seen it!), we might actually embark on a prudent plan for developing such technologies and switching over to them. But, instead, because Americans are lazy and their politicians are corrupt, we're going to bury our heads in the sand and keep using oil until there isn't a drop left and then panic. Oh, we'll have plenty of energy, but we won't be able to use it. Like having a potato gun but no potatoes. Or Barbies. Or anything else one launches with a potato gun. Kittens. Whatever.

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