Thursday, February 22, 2007

Twilight Princess

I am an idiot. I just stayed up until 5:30 am finishing Twilight Princess. You know that thing where you know you're close to the end so you just can't stop playing? Yeah...yeah. Sigh.

I really liked Twilight Princess. It was a fantastic game. No, the graphics were not ground-breaking, but the artistry of it in many places was breath-taking (particularly the Twilight World), and it was Zelda. It was consciously trying to tie itself very closely to the theme and spirit of Ocarina of Time, and it did so admirably. I think I might even like it better than Ocarina simply because the game play was so smooth in most of it, and because I adore the idea of the Twili (especially Midna, who is perhaps my favorite video game character of all time).

...and now my life has no purpose any more. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Twilight Princess" or "Why I'll Never Get Laid Again."