Thursday, September 27, 2007

Deep thought from my AI textbook

"Consider the sentence:

J. R. Lucas cannot consistently assert that this sentence is true.

If Lucas asserted this sentence then he would be contradicting himself, so therefore Lucas cannot consistently assert it, and hence it must be true. (The sentence cannot be false, because if it were then Lucas could not consistently assert it, so it would be true.) We have thus demonstrated that there is a sentence that Lucas cannot consistently assert while other people (and machines) can. But that does not make us think less of Lucas."
Like, whoah, man...


Lisa said...

more like woah man, there were no swear words in that post.

i keeed i keeed. i had to read some sentences in that passage twice to fully get it.

Nick said...

Isn't there something in the Bible about "judge not lest ye be judged by thy own blog posts"? ;)