Thursday, December 20, 2007

Duke Nukem Forever: beyond sad

Oh, this makes me smile.

If you haven't followed video game development for the last, oh, decade, Duke Nukem Forever is notorious. If you haven't heard of it, that's because it doesn't exist. It has notoriously not existed for well over a decade. "Development" started on Duke Nukem Forever in 1997. Right, _that_ 1997. The one in the previous millenium. The one before I graduated from high school. That one.

It's never been released. But it refuses to die. Like a fucking immortal zombie, its decaying stench perpetually permeates the rumor mills. Indeed, a new trailer for it has even cropped up...yet recent months. But don't worry...I have full faith we'll never actually see a real game. I choose to rest my vain hopes on Starcraft 2.

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