Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fuck Apple

Despite being a relatively recent Apple convert, they still do things that piss me off. Case in point: if you want to upgrade the amount of RAM in your MacBook Pro, you can either order from Apple, or you can order the same goddamn thing from someone else for almost 1/4 the price.

The fuckers are taking advantage of the fact that people don't know any better to charge a 300-400% markup!

What the hell happened to arbitrage? If free markets worked, shouldn't this shit not happen?


Lisa said...

everyone else has been doing the same thing for years.

you can buy the same thing in one place and pay 300% for the "convenience". it happens in brick and mortars too. don't you own a car?

Nick said...

Oh, I'm aware it happens. I'm just, for some reason, mildly surprised Apple is engaging in it so brazenly. They're supposed to be the good guys, remember? The ones who want to save me from the evils of Windows? Enable, empower, think different, etc.?

And being aware of it doesn't make me less appalled.

And it furthers my belief that the effects of information disparity and the irrationality of human behavior have much more to do with the dynamics of markets than supply and demand themselves do. But I'm too lazy to actually go learn enough economics to prove it. :)