Thursday, August 10, 2006

Everyone is dumb

Okay, I'm infuriated, and I need to get this off my chest.

I had thought we were mostly done with the security ridiculousness after we got through the first few weeks after 9/11. I dealt with it. I rolled. I was annoyed, but I got through. I was even willing to take my shoes off. Again, I was annoyed, but I rolled.

But this...this shit is ridiculous. No, ridiculous is too soft a word. Retarded. Assinine. Idiotic. Paranoidly incompetent.

They're banning drinks. And lip balm. And toothpaste. Fucking _toothpaste_. How fucking retarded are these people? Do they really think this is going to make us safer? Look, I understand that they foiled a plot to use liquid explosives with an mp3 trigger on flights from Britain to the US. But first of all, they _foiled it_. Has everyone missed that little detail? They intercepted the terrorists before they could even get to the airports. Wow! What a novel idea! Instead of making idiotic, ineffective rules about air travel, how about we invest in infiltration? With the money we would save on the ridiculous amount of airport security we now have (not to mention the economic losses they induce), I bet we could have remarkable coverage. After all, it's not like you can go to the corner store and order liquid explosives. You can track the sale of ingredients that are required to make such explosives. In fact, that's what they did! Wow! The system works! At least in the UK...I don't know that I have as much faith in the morons running our government.

But let's ignore all that for a moment. They're banning liquids. _Liquids_, people. Know what you can store liquids in? Anything. I could put a baggy in my socks and store liquids there. Are they going to make me remove all of my socks? Hell, I could probably find a way to store liquids in pretty much every piece of clothing I own. And all the shit in my carry-on? Pretty sure I could get liquids in there too. Even the book I'm reading. Cut out a few pages, ziplock bag pasted in...presto! Liquid container! I bet I could easily make a makeshift bomb out of a Bible. I fucking _dare_ them to take someone's Bible as a potential terrorist device. I think that's the one thing that would make all this shit worth it.

Let's also remember that baby formula and medicine are still allowed. Because apparently putting liquid explosives in a baby formula container is a moral line the terrorists won't cross.

And btw, last I checked Israel, who let's remember is in an actual war right now, still lets you carry _all_ this shit on planes into and out of Tel Aviv. Which is in the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING MIDDLE EAST. Somehow they manage to maintain flight safety with all those volatile tubes of toothpaste on their planes.


*bangs head against wall repeatedly*

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