Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"My party is demonstrating that they are for states' rights unless they don't like what states are doing. This couldn't be a more classic case of a state responsibility." -- Rep. Christopher Shays (R)Connecticut mean there are actually still Republicans left who base their political position on some kind of deeper principle than "We like money, power, and dumb people who will do what we tell them to if we say we like Jesus"? Who think that states' rights and limited government were actually principles instead of useful slogans for a minority party? How quaint!

I guess I shouldn't expect anything different from the poor idealistic bastard who not only understood that laissez-faire economics doesn't work unless the associated limited government is free of lobbyist money, but took the further logical leap that, hey, maybe we should try to limit the influence of money in government!

Siwwy Wepubwican. Yoaw pawty doesn't wespect such pwofitwess pwincipews!

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