Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Yay exponential population growth!

Fuck the planet! We're all doomed! Wheee!!!

No, really, I'm serious. I don't care any more. People who take active steps to screw over other people for their own benefit in an immediate way piss me off, just on a personal level if nothing else, but at this point I could give less of a shit about humanity as a whole. Sure, we're fucking up the planet in an irreversible way, but I'm pretty sure we can't completely destroy it before I'm dead, and given my aforementioned loathing of children and, you know, people, what the hell do I care if the planet turns into a barren, toxic wasteland after I'm dead? It's a wonderful two-way "fuck you" both to the conservative, self-involved assholes of the world, who are slowly poisoning their children, and to the crunchy granola "every single human life is a precious spark!" hippies, who will have spent so much effort on blindly staving off death that ultimately overpopulation will kill many more people far faster than any of the forces they fought against. Oh, isn't existence fun?

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