Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Ron Paul

Having seen another car with "Ron Paul in '08!" written on the back, I feel the need to point out that just because Dr. Paul, unlike his Republican colleagues,
  1. is not an utter moron,
  2. holds a deeper understanding of and opinion about foreign policy than, "terrorists...bad!", and
  3. is honest,
...that doesn't actually mean that his ideas are _good_. Yes, the whole, "we should never have invaded Iraq and should get the fuck out at the earliest possible moment" is a good idea and refreshing given the Republican field (hell, it's refreshing even given the Democratic field), but let's remember: this guy is a Libertarian at heart. He believes that, essentially, the federal government shouldn't exist. At all. We can have the military, but that's about it. No National Science Foundation. No National Institute of Health. No FDA. No EPA. Nothing. All federal research money would dry up instantly if he had his way. There would be no environmental or consumer protections. Hell, I'm pretty sure he'd get rid of the federal reserve as well. The guy is a nut. Just because he's a different kind of nut than the standard, modern neocon Republican fare, and just because he would be a more interesting, intelligent guy to talk to than most politicians doesn't mean he's any less of a nut.

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