Thursday, November 29, 2007

What the dilly-yo, Firefox?

Not that anyone cares, but I have finally given up on Firefox for the mac.  It's been really buggy lately and keep hanging at weird moments.  I heart FlashBlock, but not enough to make me suffer through my web browser not working.

Back to Safari it is.  <Dr. Claw voice>"You win this time, Jobs!"</Dr. Claw voice>

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I've always found Firefox to be slower than Safari on the Mac, although I prefer it to IE for Windows.

The comments in this blog post describe a number of add-ons that can give Safari various versions of Flashblock.

Links and descriptions are in the comments, but the options seem to be:

I haven't actually tried any of them yet, so no idea how useful they actually are, though.