Monday, August 06, 2007

If There Were a God... (8/6/07)

If there were a god, there would be certain places sexual role playing would not be allowed to go (at least when there's documentation of it), and this is definitely one of them (nsfw).


Lisa said...

i'm sure i don't need to clarify that in the realm of role-playing, this is entirely NOT the kind of thing to complain about, nor is it helpful to perpetuate such judgment on an entirely benign form of fantasy play.

Nick said...

Just because it can get worse (yes, much _much_ worse) doesn't mean I am not scarred by the thought of someone, somewhere, believing that "storm trooper" and "sexy" belong anywhere near each other.

If you're going to indulge your star wars fantasies, drool over Princess Leia in her slave girl outfit like everyone else. :)

(Aside: in looking for a picture of that, I found this: